E5 Reflecting on Assignment 2 Technical Essay

18 Apr 2022
  1. Provide a brief introduction to the assignment along with a link to this page for further details Assignment 2 had us add a log-in feature as well as a registration feature to our eCommerce store.

  2. What did you learn from this assignment? This assignment taught me a little bit more about how the server gets information from certain places on a web page and how you can use said information. It also taught me a little bit more about how things like writing information is done in order to have something like a simple user database.

  3. Did you work with a partner? Assign an estimated percentage on the amount each team member contributed to the assignment (including yourself). I worked on the assignment alone.

  4. How did you get help when you needed it? What did you need help with? I would say that I needed help with the more creative side of coding. What I mean by this is choosing ways to solve a certain problem. This can be done using google and stackoverflow.

  5. How was developing this assignment different than assignment #1? Assignment 1 differed from assignment 2 by being a lot less complex. What I mean by this is that assignment 1 had a lot fewer moving parts while assignment 2 had a lot of moving parts, some of which interacted and depended on others.

  6. Estimate the % of time you spent (a) thinking about how to do something, (b) writing code (but do not include testing, (c) testing and debugging Out of 100% of my time, writing code took about 25%, debugging and testing took about 35%, while thinking about how to do something took about 40%.

  7. Describe what worked well with this project? What did not work well? I feel like what worked well was having a better understanding of how servers get page information and how query strings work.

  8. If you could go back in time and do things differently, what would you do differently? My only thing i would change is to give myself more time and to not procrastinate as much.